Hello Dear Friends! As the Advent begins we are happy to announce that our public Masses are back from Tuesday, 1st of December! The timetable for the next weeks is:
WEEKDAYS 9.30 am - Morning Mass 10.00 am - Holy Rosary
the parish office available from the morning till 1 o'clock
ADVENT FRIDAYS Adorations of the Blessed Sacrament from the morning Mass till 1 o'clock. During the Adoration the receiving of the HOLY COMMUNION is available. Also during the Adoration, the priest is waiting to serve with the CONFESSIONS.
SATURDAYS 10.00 am - Morning Mass 10.30 am - Holy Rosary 6.30 pm - Evening Mass
SUNDAYS 8.30 am - Morning Mass 11.00 am - Family Mass
!!! the updates regarding the Holy Communions children for 2020 and the plan for Christmas available soon!
Fr Dominick & the Parish Team.
